Saturday 7 April 2012

The War on Drugs - Press Release by Australia21

In recent days there has been a really fascinating media release from a think tank known as Australia 21. Described on their website as "... an independent, non-profit organisation whose core purpose is multidisciplinary research and inquiry on issues of strategic importance to Australia in the 21st century", Australia 21 has released their much-anticipated report on discussing the costs and benefits of any potential changes to Australia's policy on illicit drugs.

The report itself is rather controversial. Not only does it broach a subject that many people still find taboo in this day and age, it also has quite a controversial title: "The Prohibition of Illicit Drugs is Killing and Criminalising Our Children and We Are All Letting It Happen". Title notwithstanding, the report makes for fascinating reading, though I must admit that at the time of writing, I am only part way through reading it. What has been clear so far is that the release of this report has already lead to debate within the wider community over current legislation regarding illicit/recreational drugs. As mentioned in a previous post, this is a contentious issue that, unfortunately, tends to be political suicide for those willing to bring it up for discussion and debate.

At any rate, the fact that drug legalisation and drug policy is once again being discussed does give one hope that a more reasonable and evidence-based approach to recreational drugs, harm minimisation and harm reduction will be reached.

Until next time,

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